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My name is Ashley Rambal. I started this blog a couple of years ago, and I didn’t really have a purpose in mind; just a desire to locate very specific information and little success, which was followed by a desire to provide that type of info for other people to find. My current passion is hidden gems like the small businesses throughout rural communities. I’m calling it my Locally Yours series.

The catch? – most blogs are only profitable if they specialize in a niche. But, I don’t like to be stuck in one category, so I write on a lot of topics. So, really, this blog probably won’t ever be a real source of income for my family. But hey, if you found what you were looking for in one of these posts, I’ve achieved one of my biggest goals with my writing!

Now, for those of you who like the fluff in blog posts (I’m not one myself), a bit about me:
I was born and raised in Kamiah, moved away for 8 or so years, and 2022 brought us back. We now have a home here, three little boys, and a couple of small businesses ourselves – mine is an herbal tea business by the name of Palerosa, and his is I.T. services called Fixesto. If you’ve seen us in the grocery store, you might have been one of the 2,471,536,853 who has told us we have our hands full. You’re not wrong.

Author Ashley

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